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Wildlife Watching Dollars VS Hunting Dollars

In Protect The Wolves by TwowolvesLeave a Comment

The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting,

and Wildlife-Associated Recreation Survey

Protect The Wolves™ is tired of being told that Trophy Hunters contribute the biggest share of Dollars towards Conservation… Especially when Trophy Hunters truly cant make a Valid Claim that they are conservationists. Conservationists do not go around with the intent of eliminating the biggest and strongest set of genes for any particular species…  Trophy Hunters evidently get their Rocks off with the biggest Rack…. We just calls em like we sees em…  This is a 92 page Report…. that totally debunks Trophy Hunters claims of they contribute the largest portion of Money.

We havent posted this in awhile and thought it time to bring it back to the front again. Western Washington  is actually what keeps rural Washington in business, and transfers far more money to the eastside than hunter’s fees. Hunting license sales come from the I-5 corridor. When Okanogan County gets a $1.81 in benefit for each dollar spent in taxes, where do you think the extra$0.81 comes from. Hint: King County get $0.65 per dollar paid in.

Wildlife watchers spend nine times as much as hunters.

The National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation (Survey) has been conducted since 1955 and is one of the oldest and most comprehensive continuing recreation surveys!!!

The Survey collects information on the number of anglers, hunters, and wildlife watchers, how often they participate, and how much they spend on their activities in the United States. Preparations for the 2011 Survey began in 2008 when the Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies (AFWA) asked the Fish and Wildlife Service to coordinate the twelfth National Survey of wildlife-related recreation. Funding came from the Multistate Conservation Grant Programs, authorized by Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Acts, as amended. Four regional technical committees were set up under the auspices of AFWA to ensure that State fish and wildlife agencies had an opportunity to participate in all phases of survey planning and design. The committees were made up of agency representatives. We consulted with State and Federal agencies and nongovernmental organizations such as the American Sportfishing Association and National Shooting Sports Foundation to determine survey content. Other sportspersons’ organizations and conservation groups, industry representatives, and researchers also provided valuable advice.

Link to 92 Page Report Wildlife-Associated Recreation Survey this Report is available for your Individual State, this Report happens to be for Washington State.

Protect washington wolves, protect the wolves, wolves, wolf

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