Wolves and Montana Lawmaker Buttheads

In Montana by TwowolvesLeave a Comment


Obviously Wolves have not affected Ungulate populations like hunters would want us to believe when they continue to have record years of Deer and Elk Slaughter…. It appears Montana officials only care about 1 thing…. No Biologist on the Planet would recommend a 6 wolf Quota without pressure from Ranchers and Hunters…. We have to wonder were they bought off???

Montana Officials at their Finest… NNOOOTTTTT

The Montana Department of Fish, Wildlife & Parks and the Montana Fish & Wildlife Commission are two different critters. Our FWP department presents wildlife management proposals to five governor-appointed Fish and Wildlife commissioners. Commission meeting minutes regarding wolves, 2007 through 2015, are available by calling 406-444-7826. Get a copy; it’s interesting history.

At their July 14, 2011, meeting, Gov. Brian Schweitzer appointee Bob Ream moved, and Ron Moody seconded, a motion establishing a three-wolf quota north of Yellowstone National Park. On July 9, 2015, Bullock appointee Gary Wolfe moved, and Bob Stuker seconded, reducing their quota to two wolves. Yellowstone buffer zone wolf quotas were instituted by F&W commissioners at final season-setting meetings. They were not proposed by the FWP department or sent out for comment.

On May 12, 2016, department biologists proposed a six-wolf quota and a Montana trapping quota of seven fishers. Commissioners rejected the department’s proposal and put out two-wolf and zero-fisher quotas. Department biologists made no Yellowstone wolf quota proposals before their six-wolf quota that was shot down by a commission majority.


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