Wolves need your Participation

Wildlife Manages itself much more efficiently without human involvement

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Wolves need your Participation

How long will it take for us as a race to learn that Wildlife survives better on their Own without the interference of Humans?


Before European settlement nearly 2 million wolves roamed wild in North America. Rampant poaching, Poisoning, trapping began early in the 19th century and decimated their numbers. By 1973, only a few hundred remained in the lower 48 states.


Yellowstone Park began an ecological transformation in 1995. Without natural predators, populations of deer and moose had grown out of control and were eating too much of the vegetation. The reintroduced wolves have been credited with playing a role in the natural reduction of deer and a subsequent rebirth of vegetation and wildlife.

Certain trees quintupled in size; vast numbers of bird species returned, and beaver populations increased, which led to healthier rivers and bigger populations of otters, muskrats, fish, ducks, amphibians and reptiles. Current figures from the U.S Fish and Wildlife Service places the domestic wild wolf population at above 15,000.

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