Protect Washington Wolves

Stiffer penalties needed for poaching wolves and all wildlife

In Washington by Twowolves1 Comment

Protect Washington Wolves

A grey wolf traveling on an old forest road in Washington.

Poaching of ALL Species needs stricter penalties, more than just a wrist slap… They also need to stop letting hunters off using the “I thought it was a coyote Excuse” If they arent intelligent enough to tell the difference they shouldnt be hunting!

Poaching may be limiting progress toward wolf recovery goals.

WOLVES are important native predators and vital pieces of our wildlife heritage. The news [“Four new wolf packs recorded in state,” Local News, March 14] that Washington is now home to at least 90 wolves, 18 packs and eight breeding pairs is exciting.

However, eight years after wolves were first confirmed back in the North Cascades, there are only three wolf packs in that designated recovery area. There remain no confirmed wolf packs in the Cascades south of Interstate 90 or in Western Washington. In order to meet wolf-recovery goals agreed upon under the Washington Wolf Conservation and Management Plan (Wolf Plan), and for the long term viability of the species in our state, it’s important that wolves recolonize the high-quality habitat in the Olympic Peninsula and Washington’s South Cascades.

Source: Stiffer penalties needed for poaching wolves | The Seattle Times


  1. What America needs to do is punish poachers with the same punishments that are given to them in parts of Africa and India. And that punishment is… death.

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